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What Is Important To A Service Manager

* Declined Service: (Lost Revenue)

The customer declines having the repairs done after the tech and SA have completed the MPI and is ready to leave the dealership. The SA should introduce the customer to finance options at the write up of the RO and again while reviewing the MPI results.

* Increase Customer Retention: (Reduce Cost)

If the customer uses the BDS No Credit Needed Program at the dealership, instead of taking it to an independent shop, that customer will return to the dealership for future repairs. This lowers the cost of trying to get customers back into the shop. (Advertising)

* Effective Labor Rate: (Increase Revenue)

Introducing the customer to the BDS program before discounting the labor will increase the ELR.

* Increase Average Hours Per RO: (More Sales - Increase Revenue)

If the SA uses the BDS program to add more repairs to the RO, the hours per RO will go up.

* Reduce The Number of "One Liners": (Increase Revenue)

it is easier to up sell a customer when he only has to pay $39 with the BDS Program.


* Reduce Service Receivables: (Reduce Cost)

BDS will pay the same day. When the repair is completed, and the customer comes to pick up his vehicle, the SA can call to get paid.

BDS Program:

* No Fees to Pay

* No Chargebacks to the Dealer

* No Contracts to Sign

* No Equipment to Rent

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