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How It works:

1. The customer MUST logon to the BDS site ( using his mobile phone or computer to complete the lease application. In seconds of submitting the lease application, the customer will get an approval amount or a denial.

2. At the same time, his approval will appear on the BDS portal in the BDS office.

BDS will:
a. Text the service advisor that his customer has been approved
b. Request the advisor to fax an itemized copy of the Repair Order or an estimate sheet to BDS showing sub-total, tax, and total to 985-250-0400.

3. After receiving the estimate, BDS will email a BDS “Disclosure/Invoice” to the customer that includes:
a. The dealership’s itemized quote

b. The amount of the BDS invoice
b. The amount of his payments and when they are due
The down payment if required

4. If the customer agrees with the terms and conditions described in the BDS Disclosure/Invoice, BDS instructs the customer to:
a. Click “Reply”
b. Type “I Approve the BDS Program" into the email
c. Return the email to BDS

5. As soon as the customer’s approval is received, BDS will email the customer his contract with instructions to electronically sign.

6. When BDS receives the signed contract, BDS will text:

a. The advisor that his customer has signed the contract

b. The amount of the down payment that must be collected by the Dealership from the customer

c. The amount BDS is paying

d. Instruct the SA how to receive payment from BDS 

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